86 items
Guide to set items to unavailable when they are out of stock. Note: Items that are not available for a significant period of time should be deactivated.
Log into the Command Center One (CC1) portal: https://rrtportal.rrtusa.net/login. Click on 86 Items under Menu.
Enter the restaurant you want to update. Each location in the brand can be accessed by either of the highlighted areas.
Partial names in the Search by Item field are acceptable. The filters are not mandatory but they significantly reduce the returns on your search.
Click on the disabled tab to 86 the items. The box on the bottom will show how many items are set to be updated. Click submit when updates are completed.
Click Skip Invalidation if you are making several updates. Note** The items will need to be enabled once they become available. The 86 item functionality does not expire. The menu item will still be visible for online ordering but the guests will not be able to add the item to the cart. There will be a message stating the item is currently unavailable.
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