Adding Images
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Select Menu from the left hand navigation panel and select the menu you want to edit. There are two places to add imagery.
1) Category Level Images - 1260 × 540 pixels, .png or jpg. file format.
2) Item Level Images - 640x420 pixels, .png or .jpg format.
Category Images:
Go to the section, click the edit button on the right.
Once the section opens up, click on the image icon to the right.
Drag and drop images from your files into the image drop box.
Use the cropping tools to size the image for the menu section. Click crop to upload to your image.
Item level images:
Expand the menu section and select an item. Click on the edit icon.
Once the item configuration screen opens you will see two image icons on the right side of the page. One icon shows on the main menu page and the smaller thumbnail icon will show up on the modifier window. Click the blue icon and drag and drop the menu item image into the image dropbox.
Once you have an item open, click the Upload Image icon on the upper right hand section of the screen (note, if you already have an image here, you can delete it and add a new image). *Image Size 640x420 pixels.
Next, click to select the shape you would like to use to crop the image - Square, Oval, Circle, None.
Once you choose a shape, you will be able to adjust the cropping for both the main menu image and the thumbnail image. Below is an example of the circle cropping tool.
If you are happy with your cropping, you will save and propagate the image to the ordering website. If you need to recrop, hit the Cancel button to begin the cropping process again.
Circle Crop Example:
Oval Crop Example:
Square Crop Example:
Rectangle Crop Example: The original image layout.
New Feature 2 - Background Colors for Item Images
Choose a background color to fill in the white space behind the menu image (note this is only available for users that select a custom cropping option, not the “none” cropping option).
Steps to Implement - Background Colors for Item Images
Login to as a platform user or a Brand Manager. Navigate to the Menu tab from the left hand navigation bar. Search for the menu you wish to edit. Click on the menu name to open the menu. Expand any menu section and click to edit any menu item.
Click the Upload Image icon on the upper right hand section of the screen (note, if you already have an image here, you can delete it and add a new image).
You will see a field on the bottom left hand corner of the window where you can add a background color. Use the HEX code for the color you wish to use, or drag the color selection tool to the color you wish to use
You will also need to click to select the shape you would like to use to crop the image - Square, Oval, or Circle.
Confirm your cropping, and save the image and background color. You will now be able to see the background color on the thumbnail preview within the Maverick portal, as well as, on the
ordering site.
New Feature 3 - Image Borders
Steps to Implement - Image Borders
Login to as a platform user or a Brand Manager. Navigate to the Menu tab from the left hand navigation bar. Search for the menu you wish to edit. Click on the menu name to open the menu. Expand any menu section and click to edit any menu item.
Click the Upload Image icon on the upper right hand section of the screen (note, if you already have an image here, you can delete it and add a new image).
Select background colors and cropping options as described in the first two sections. The last step in this process will allow you to choose a border for the image.
Click the ‘Confirm, Upload to Production’ button. Save the item and you will be able to see the item with the border on the ordering website.
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