Ground Control Maverick Set Up Steps Non-Integrated
Step 1
Email Devika an introduction with the client.
The client must work with their DD sales rep to negotiate a new drive contract flat fee, but Elliott & Devika are involved in the process.
Step 2
Once contract finalized, ask Devika to provide us with:
- DD to provide W9 Business Name for client . We will set up as below as example: external_business_name=Doublz;brink_destination_id=217254
- Flat fee that was negotiated
- Negotiated delivery radius
Step 3
Pull all trello cards from the template board and add to the client board.
The entire column will copy to the client board. Move each individual card over to the "to do" column.
Make sure all cards are filled out completely and right triggers are selected for the launch cards
Step 4 Schedule meeting with client to Obtain below information
- What is the minimum delivery amount they want put in place?
- What delivery fee would you like us to pass to the guest?
- Define pilot location.
- Define pilot date.
- Define full launch roll out. Dates & locations
- What is the desired lead time? Confirm if lead time is the same as pickup.
- Confirm advanced order setting
- What increments on orders do you want set (throttling)
- Request that they set up an open notes ID - this is to pass down the DoorDash confirmation ID
Step 5 Internal set up
- Login to Maverick, search for the location you wish to set up Drive for under the Accounts tab.
- Select location and navigate to the ordering tab.
- Under the Menu Configuration section, assign a delivery menu by clicking the blue ‘Select Menu Button’
- Search for the menu by name or menu ID, hit enter. The results will populate on the left side of the window. Select the desired menu by clicking on it. Select Delivery from the ‘Type’ Drop Down and hit Submit to save.
- Select Location and Navigate to the ‘Delivery’ subtab
- Fill out the fields in the ‘Delivery Configuration’ table.
- Advanced Scheduling (Days) - 0=same day orders, 1=4 hours in advanced, 2+=2+ days out
- Lead/Prep Time (Minutes) - Enter lead time for delivery orders
- Delivery Increments (Minutes) - Increments of time that will be displayed to the user after day 2 of ordering. Doordash will return an estimate based on the window selected
- Delivery ASAP Toggle - Turn on if you wish to only accept ASAP delivery orders
- Hit Submit to Save
- On the ‘Delivery Zone’ Table, Define the Delivery Zone Type by selecting DoorDash from the dropdown menu.
- Once DoorDash is selected you will be prompted with the setup window. Fill out all fields.
- Name: DoorDash, Drive, Ground Control, etc.
- Distance Up To: Define the radius that matches the Drive contract
- Price: Delivery fee defined by Drive contract
- Notes: Leave empty
- Min Order ($): Define the minimum order in dollar amount for delivery. Optional.
- Delivery Type: Regular or Catering
- Active: Toggle ON or OFF
- Finally, navigate to the Account Info Page, and set the ‘Delivery’ Toggle to Active.
- Go to the Admin Tab
- click Parameters
- Click the red button in the top right hand corner 'create new parameter'
- Select Delivery Service from Integration type
- Select Door Dash
- Select External_Business_Name
- Enter the brand
- Enter the value (Name)
Configure Delivery Hours
Delivery Hours:
- Set hours and slide open
- Hit submit to save
Step 6 Testing-Plumbing
- When the set up is complete, test the plumbing without sending in order.
- Does fee calculate correctly?
- Does tip function correctly?
- Do totals on order match?
Step 7 Testing-Full functionality
- Must be scheduled with the manager at location during down time.
- Does delivery fee calculate correctly?
- Does tip function correctly?
- Do totals on order match?
- Is there any balance owed or due?
- Did order close/map correctly?
- Did order print delivery clearly?
- Was dasher pinged.
- Did dasher arrive at location at the appropriate time?
- Did you receive email confirmation?
- Once everything is confirmed, refund transaction in Maverick OM and then void order from OM.
- Add screenshots of every step to “testing” trello card.
Step 8 Preparing for Go Live
- Meet with client to go over troubleshooting and escalation protocol.
- Discuss the importance of advertising delivery.
- Explain they will need to replace the URL online with their online ordering link.
- Show were to turn delivery on and off if need to close due to holidays, etc.
Step 9 Go Live
- Ensure "pay upon delivery" is removed from online ordering.
- Ensure client has updated delivery link online
- Turn delivery on in Maverick admin
- Move launch card to shipped on clients board and the launch board
Step 10 Internal Launch Communication
- Once live, BCC and let them know we have successfully gone live
- Fill out launch cards on client board with location specifics and use triggers so they are pulled over to launch board.
- Update live delivery doc with locations that are live
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